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Mississauga Celebration Square

(300 City Centre Dr, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1)


Japan Festival CANADA 2017

Date & Time

Saturday August 26, 12pm to 10pm

Sunday August 27, 12pm to 7pm

Celebrating Canada’s 150th Anniversary

Japan Festival CANADA was held on August 26th and 27th 2017. This 2nd Annual event since Japan Festival Mississauga 2016 which was held 1st time in July 2016 in Mississauga city, Ontario. Japan Festival Mississauga 2016 attracted over 40,000 attendees in one day on July 10th despite of short hours from 12 (noon) to 19:00 and it had become one of the largest Japanese Cultural events in Canada. Since the success of 1st time event the expectation and encoura gement f rom J apa n and Canada Government sectors, municipal level sectors and sponsors were paramount led to organizing this year’s event renamed as Japan Festival CANADA 2017 involving not only Province of Ontario but also Canada Nationwide to signify and celebrate Diplomatic relationship between Canada and Japan and to contribute in promoting Japanese Culture.


Since the first event in 2016 was a success the event has become larger scale in 2017 as 2 days End of the Summer event in the last weekend of August. The concept of the event was to introduce and promote Japanese food, culture and technologies to Canada and the World. Variety of entertainment program such as Traditional, J-Pop, Anime and etc. were some of the major attractions to the event as well as the cuisines from popular and trendy Japanese Restaurants in Ontario, Japanese Corporation booths with state of the art technologies, products and service and etc. Japan Festival CANADA 2017 was for families and friends in all ages to experience and enjoy Japan.


Japan Festival CANADA 2017 attracted over 70,000 attendees in 2 days event which surpassing the 40,000 attendees recorded in 2016 event. More variety and improved stage performance program and increased number of event booths as 60 from 50 in 2016 was also contributed to the positive factor of high turnout of attendees. Especially the highlight of the 1st day was night program after dusk until 11:00 pm of J-pop and DJ Live performance attracting not only young generations but also the older generations among different ethnic backgrounds. Japan Festival CANADA 2017 was an opportunity for everyone to experience Japan.

Takuma Sato

Japan Festival CANADA is honoured to announce our special guest, Takuma Sato!


OUR 2017 Sponsors

Diamond Sponsor

NTN Bearing Corporation Of Canada Ltd..png

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors